Whenever you purchase a vehicle from a dealership, you’ll get a set of keys to take home with you. In some cases, you might even get two sets. If not, it’s probably a good idea for you to make at least one spare key in Houston, TX, for a variety of reasons. Here are just a few examples of why it’s so important to have a backup set of keys for your car. Lockouts happen Unfortunately, vehicle lockouts can happen to anyone, even if you feel like you have it together and are a generally well organized, careful person. The... View Article
The interior of a car can reach dangerously hot levels faster than you might think. It may be in the mid-80s outside, but in just 10 minutes, a vehicle’s interior can reach 105 degrees when sitting in the sun. This makes hot car safety in Houston, TX crucial. The fact is, heat stroke safety tips in Houston, TX could save your child’s life. The “look before locking” mantra is an important one to follow. To protect your child, follow these three guidelines. Look before locking Don’t lock the car before looking for your keys and your kids. Do you have... View Article
During these uncertain times, car safety is essential. Specifically, topping everyone’s list of concerns is coronavirus safety in Houston, TX. Fortunately, there are some fairly simple steps you can take to increase your car safety by reducing the risk of COVID-19 in and around your vehicle. Keep it clean When using your vehicle, keep in mind that you could transfer germs from public places to the surfaces inside your car. After you’ve been out in public, be sure to clean the items frequently touched by you and your passengers, including children. Remember to clean: Steering wheel Gear shift Door handle... View Article
Locksmiths offer a wide variety of essential services to homeowners, business owners and vehicle owners. From key cutting to lock repair and replacement, these professionals specialize in handling a range of services to ensure the accessibility and safety of residential and commercial properties and vehicles. While the basic process of opening a lock or making a new key may seem pretty straightforward on the surface, many of the services most frequently completed by professional locksmiths are actually pretty technical and complex. For this reason, it’s important that locksmiths are able to meet certain requirements in order to perform these tasks... View Article
Locksmiths use key codes to create new keys and repair or replace locks. These key codes are essential when it comes to performing a wide range of locksmithing services. Understanding more about key codes in Houston, TX can give you better insight into some locksmithing basics and help you determine what to expect when you need to hire a locksmith. Keep reading to learn more about key codes and how they’re used by professional locksmiths. What are key codes? Key codes are made up of letters and numbers that represent the characteristics of a lock. Locksmiths use key codes to... View Article