benz key

Can a Local Locksmith Replace a Mercedes Benz Key?

March 15, 2021

Owning a luxury brand car, like a Mercedes, offers many benefits for vehicle owners. As one of the pioneers of the smart car key, Mercedes has years of experience with making this technology serve their customers. However, it also means that replacing such small and effective technology can be expensive.

Older models of Mercedes use a flip key and new models use smart keys. Flip keys have a metal key that can pop out of the fob for unlocking the car or starting the engine. Depending on the year your car was manufactured, a smart key could be a simple fob or a more complex piece of technology with keyless or remote start features. Both types of keys contain transponder chips.

Similar to other vehicle brands, replacing a Mercedes key or smart key can be done in one of three ways. You can always visit a Mercedes dealership for a spare or replacement key. This is typically the most expensive way to go and depending on your circumstances could take the longest amount of time. You can also order replacement fobs online but do your research before you buy. When your car is manufactured, your keys are programmed in Germany. Models produced after 2004 have a high-security push-to-start programming that can be impossible to recreate for anyone but a Mercedes-Benz dealership. In fact, for any Mercedes keys with a transponder chip, going to a dealership will be the best way to replace your key.

For a non-chip key, which is another way of describing an older model of metal key, working with a locksmith will be a cost-efficient, quick, and easy way to replace a lost key or get a spare.
If you require any kind of replacement, you will need to bring your personal and vehicle information to keep the process moving. Having proof of identification, address, and vehicle ownership, along with the VIN, make, model, and year of your car will be required before any new or replacement keys can be made.

mercedes benz key

Get Help from A Locksmith

This can seem complicated, so a quick phone call to a qualified automotive locksmith like Express Locksmith in the Greater Houston area can help you navigate the specifics of getting the best deal on an additional key for your Mercedes vehicle.

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