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How Much Does It Cost to Call Someone to Unlock Your Car

How Much Does It Cost to Call Someone to Unlock Your Car?

March 28, 2023

Nothing can ruin your day more than walking out to your vehicle and realizing that you left your keys inside it and it is locked. If this happens to you, you are in luck because you can call upon the highly skilled blacksmith technicians at Express Locksmith and be able to get into your vehicle and be on your way quickly. The question is, how much will this cost you? Vehicle Lockout Services Whether you have misplaced your keys or straight up locked them in your car, truck, or SUV, you will likely need a professional locksmith’s assistance to enter... View Article

Man checking if the lock system is working

Can You Pick Restricted Keyways?

February 14, 2023

Whether you own a small business, a large corporation, or are part of a large industrial complex or apartment complex, you will want a key system that is effective and, most importantly, secure. One of the best ways to achieve this is through a restrictive or master key system. What is a Master Key System? A master key is a special key that is created to give you access to more than one door or lock within your organization, property, or company. Master keys usually are only offered to two people with the highest level of security at any specific... View Article

Man working on a lock at the door.

How Do Restricted Keyways Work?

February 14, 2023

Whether you own a restaurant, jewelry shop, or a large corporation, you need security to ensure your inventory and employees are safe at all times. Whether you are a small business owner or a CEO of a major company, there needs to be some type of key system in place so that the people who have all the access are the ones that can be trusted the most. One way to achieve this is through a restricted key system that will provide super strong security and control for not only any business security system but also a home. Within a... View Article

keys in the lock door

What is a Master Key System?

January 23, 2023

Every company, organization, or other type of business wants to maintain a high level of security for the safety of not only their goods, services, and properties, but also for their employees. There have been many advancements in digital technology, but there is still no more effective way to keep a building physically secure than there are with keys that go with locks on doors and windows. It is also much more cost-effective to use a key control system. To create the most effective key control for your business or organization, you need to have a few different components. One... View Article

Mazda Key Fob

Can a Master Key Be Duplicated?

January 23, 2023

A master key system is used by a multitude of organizations, businesses, and companies to ensure that only the people with the highest levels of security are able to unlock all doors, safes, vehicles, etc. at their respective companies. For a master key system to work properly, only the people that need to have a master key for all the different doors and windows should have one. Some master keys are given to employees that need access to certain doors. The grandmaster key is the one that is held by the highest security level people, while a regular master key... View Article

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