If you have lost the car key for your Honda, and have found yourself locked out of your vehicle, there are several methods that you can rely upon to replace your key. The method that you do choose will typically depend on how much time you have, and how much you are willing to spend for your replacement. Before you make any decisions on this, it is important to review the conditions of any auto warranties or insurance policies for your Honda. In some cases, key replacement is covered or otherwise included, so you should always check. If you have... View Article
Owning a luxury brand car, like a Mercedes, offers many benefits for vehicle owners. As one of the pioneers of the smart car key, Mercedes has years of experience with making this technology serve their customers. However, it also means that replacing such small and effective technology can be expensive. Older models of Mercedes use a flip key and new models use smart keys. Flip keys have a metal key that can pop out of the fob for unlocking the car or starting the engine. Depending on the year your car was manufactured, a smart key could be a simple... View Article
A high-security lock is just as the name suggests, a high-quality and powerful lock that cannot be broken or picked by any criminal looking to gain access to a home or business. These locks provide a certain sense of security due to their improved qualities over the standard lock. Where Should High-Security Locks Be Utilized? These locks are best used at any business, particularly at the entrance. However, business owners should consider including them in the doors to rooms where a safe or money kept, and at the entrance to computer rooms, and file rooms as well. In addition to the various... View Article
Every vehicle brand has its unique features and repair concerns. If you own a Toyota vehicle and need to replace a key or acquire a spare, there are some issues specific to your car brand that are helpful to know. Toyota has been a popular worldwide brand for a long time. If you own a Toyota that was between 1998 and 2004, you own a car with one of the earliest versions of a car or truck computer. This is known as an ECU, which controls your car’s key functions. In earlier models, access to the ECU may only be... View Article
How to Replace a Lost Nissan Car Key If you drive a Nissan and lose your key, there are a few options out there to replace it. Your choice of solution will depend on how urgent it is to get the replacement and how much you are willing to pay. Before you decide how to get a replacement, make sure you check the terms of any vehicle warranty or insurance associated with your car. Key replacement may be covered or included, so checking is worth the money it may save you. If your Nissan model is from 1998 or prior,... View Article